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Modelling the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy

·1 min

In 2020 I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Verona. In my thesis “Strategie di controllo e stima dei parametri per modelli epidemiologici applicati al COVID19” I analyzed some control policies to cope an epidemic and I estimated the parameters for some epidemiological models applied to Covid-19.

To describe the impact of the lockdown policy in Italy during the the first part of 2020 I developed a SIR-type model called \(\kappa\)-SEIR. To estimate the parameters I took into account the data provided by the GitHub account of Dipartimento della Protezione Civile.

Take a look at my presentation here. It’s not another beamer with Latex, I used reveal.js.

To see the codes you can look at my github repo EpidModCovid19.

Photo by Hakan Nural on Unsplash.